When we are in pain and it never seems to stop we are tempted to give up on God. We may be crying out to Him and our prayers seem to be going nowhere. It is at this time when the darkness seems overwhelming, that we must not give up. Through the tears, through the pain, hold on to God even more.

I remember a poster I had when I was a teenager. It was a favourite of mine, it showed a little kitten, it was so cute, holding onto a branch of a tree to stop itself from falling. The caption said something like – “Faith isn’t faith until it’s all you’re holding on.”  It’s either we hold onto God or we fall. He is the only solid “branch” that we have left when our life starts to unravel and fall apart.

Satan will use anything, any circumstance, any situation or person to discourage us so we lose our hold on God. But our Heavenly Father loves us. He is there even when we can’t see Him, He is there to comfort and show us that there is light at the end of the tunnel. He can turn any situation around and make it work out for our good. He is God. After all He created light out of darkness just by speaking it into existence, so there is nothing He cannot do!

It is the plan of the enemy to distract us, depress us, discourage us and make us despair to defeat us. But we must not give into our feelings, instead look to the light. The light of God’s word is a lamp for our feet and we can use the powerful words of God to defeat the enemy and encourage ourselves.

I believe many women (and men) who want to be married and are not may feel like giving up on their faith sometimes because God has not come through for them. When God doesn’t answer our prayers we may feel like that, it’s as if serving God, doing things His way is not working out for us as we thought it would. Please understand that only God knows why He does what He does in our lives. He doesn’t always explain Himself to us, but it’s at these times He wants us to TRUST HIM anyway, knowing that He loves us. God will heal our pain. He will strengthen us through the difficult times if we hold on to Him and don’t give up. He promised “I will never leave you or forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5,6) so  lets believe Him and Be encouraged.

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