Recently at my place of work, as we were busy getting on with our day, the fire alarm went off. Sometimes there is a system check that makes a sound for a few moments to ensure that everything is operating properly, and then it would stop. However it was not one of those days. As the sound continued we knew that we had to evacuate the building and this would not be an easy task. Was it a real fire or a drill? We did not know, but our aim was to get out as soon as possible.
The students that we support have various disabilities, sensory impairments and mobility problems, some were in wheelchairs, and we were situated on the first floor, unable to use the lift.
We slowly guided those students with some mobility down the stairs. Staff also prepared the rescue mats for students unable to walk and after wrapping them securely we safely lowered them down the stairs, moving them outside to the meeting point. We provided reassurance to students along the way.
We discovered thankfully that it was just a test! It was good to know that there was not a fire and everybody in the building was ok. However, trying to evacuate everyone as quickly as possible had been a stressful experience. Tests are necessary but they can be challenging, sometimes under pressure you forget what you need to do; sometimes you may feel panic; feel overwhelmed or lose confidence in your ability to cope with the situation. That is when it helps to remain calm, regain composure and remember the training.
Life can be like a test. You don’t know what it will throw at you next or how you will cope with it. But it helps if you have some training. Having a plan of action can help a great deal to refocus the mind and enable us to cope better.
One Valentine’s weekend I was in church listening to the speaker talk about marriage and the importance of marriage and family. The symbolism of marriage was used to explore how close and intimate our relationship with Jesus can be. It was a really good message. There was a prayer for all of us to have a better relationship with God, yet somehow at the end it left me feeling sad.
Married couples were asked to come forward for special prayer, which is fine and good, however there are many like me who are not married and would like to be. I felt excluded, that my unmet need was not even recognised (though I’m sure it was not intentional, it hurt nonetheless). Suddenly I felt overwhelmed and couldn’t top the tears from falling, I quickly escaped to the bathroom to try and contain the flood that may follow.
“Lord help me, please help me” was all I could say. I reminded myself of my “ training” in the Word. I needed to believe that my Heavenly Father would supply all my needs (Philippians 4:19,) even though I couldn’t see how or when. His Word also told me that He loves me with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). So even without a husband and without a Valentine I am still loved and I am still special.
This is not easy to believe and hold on to when I can’t see God in person, when I don’t have a husband by my side, when I haven’t received a valentine’s card, chocolate, perfume or any such thing from an admirer. It’s difficult to feel comforted by the invisible when you need a tangible hug.
Yet I find myself coming back to my training. I have to keep reminding myself every time of my training in Gods Word and refocus my mind on His promises anytime doubts and fears surface. This is Just a test! I choose to believe what the Word of God says and have faith in God’s love for me, rather than believe my feelings. His Love will get me though the testing times. When I feel weak, that I can’t bear another minute, I need to remain calm as I remind myself of His Promises, regain my composure and remember it’s just a test.
“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James 1:2-4
We need to remember the test has a purpose. To make us firm, determined, immovable in our faith and trust in God. It’s an opportunity to grow; it’s a character building experience.
I can’t say it was a “Joy” to go through the fire test. I can’t say it’s a “Joy” not to have a husband or no valentine on Valentine’s Day. But I do have a joy inside when I believe God loves me unconditionally – despite my imperfections. Therefore I plan to stick with Him, He aims to develop me and make me complete. He wants to do that for each one of us. That sounds good to me!
Be encouraged.

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