In this image conscious age, when so many of us are bombarded on a daily basis by celebrities on posters, magazines, , TV, film, music videos, and the internet – has our concept of what is really important in life been affected.

I had a recent conversation with a friend. She told me she would never leave home without putting on her make-up – foundation, blusher, eyeliner, mascara and more stuff like lipstick, eye shadow and false eyelashes would also go on if she was going out in the evening! I was really shocked! “Why do you feel the need to wear all that stuff?” I asked.

“It gives me confidence, I’d feel like I’m naked without it” she replied.

“But you’re beautiful.” I said. She didn’t think so. She told me about the drawers of make-up and cosmetics she had at home. When she thought about it, it amounted to a lot of money. She is a young woman in her twenties and already under the influence of this image conscious society where somehow our natural beauty is not enough. We need add ons. Aren’t we wonderful just the way we are?

I think a lot of us have issues. We think we’re too short, too tall. too thin. too big. too many spots, too much flab, too many wrinkles… and the list goes on and on and on.

No wonder we’re at the mercy of advertising campaigns pushing lotions and potion, fashion, cosmetic surgery and gadgets that will transform us, to make us “look” better.

Can we accept ourselves the way we are? Externals may appear all consuming, but I think there are more important things that we could appreciate.

• The human body is finely tuned – it functions for us every day keeping us alive with each breathe and heartbeat.

• Our brain is amazing – allowing us to think, create and develop a wide range of things from here on earth into space.

• How resilient the human spirit can be when it rises above negative and destructive influences to help others and find ways to make the world a better place.

Maybe we need to consider the wonder that is actually you and me. We all have abilities, skills, talents, things we can do, kind and caring things that may brighten our life and bring joy to the lives of those around us.

A kind word, a thoughtful act, forgiving someone who hurt us, being understanding, taking time and being patient with others. Having integrity at work and doing the best we can. I believe these things really matter, they make us wonderful human beings, which has nothing to do with our visual exterior, but all to do with the spirit inside us.

The bible teaches us in Galatians 5:22-23, that the fruit of the spirit is… love, joy peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, humility and self-control. These characteristics truly make us wonderful and admirable; these are the things we need to possess. The great thing to know is that unlike make-up, and fashionable clothes – these qualities are free of charge!

A lot of cosmetics and creams have to be used daily in order to have the desired effect, and to maintain what is achieved. Some of these cosmetics are very expensive with limited results. However what God gives us through the Holy Spirit is an inward ability to shine, it will cost us – commitment and a daily connection to God. If we cannot leave home without make –up we already have the ability to make a commitment and transfer that commitment into making time for a relationship with God each day. The rewards will be much more long lasting. All we need is to stay connected to him in order to let the beauty shine; really it’s his Spirit shining through us.

The bible says in Psalms 139: 14, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and Jesus said, He is the vine and we are the branches, without him we can do nothing. John 15:5.

So if we want to be the wonderful people we were made to be let us connect to the power source and charge up on the word of God. Let us allow Him to use us to be a shining light to this world.

You are wonderful, God said so and He should know!

Be encouraged.

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